here we go again, rocky orchard..

May, 23, 2020
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So we sold our finish, beautifully remodeled house, turkey hill and we are starting all over again at the rocky orchard house. It’s bigger inside and out, not on purpose (inside), the outside won our hearts and the inside is laid out quite well for its large proportions. Which to me means that there isn’t really any wasted space despite the larger proportions. I like a house were I feel like it will all be well used. So let me back up… Like everything else in our family I, Taryn was the instigator of this move, but Sam like always was the closer. I like to plan, and dream this usually involves house hunting, designing homes I will never live in and drawing up plans for the perfect house. I drive Sam nuts with my plan/dreaming long enough that he calls me on it and plans turn to action. Moving states, changing jobs, moving to the new house, yep me instigating Sam acting.

August 17, 2021


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sam and taryn

we like to explore many fields and this is our journal to keep track of all our adventures, big, small, near, and far.